basxbread.views package


basxbread.views.add module

class basxbread.views.add.AddView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: CustomFormMixin, BaseView, SuccessMessageMixin, PermissionRequiredMixin, CreateView

TODO: documentation

accept_global_perms = True
default_success_page = 'read'
get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)

Insert the form into the context dict.


Returns list of permissions in format <app_label>.<codename> that should be checked against request.user and object. By default, it returns list from permission_required attribute.


request – Original request.


basxbread.views.administration module

class basxbread.views.administration.TaskResultBrowseView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BrowseView

columns: Iterable[str | layout.datatable.DataTableColumn] = ['task_id', 'task_name', 'date_created', 'date_done', 'status', 'task_args', 'task_kwargs', 'meta']
rowactions: Iterable[Link] | None = ()
rowclickaction: Link | None = (<basxbread.utils.links.ModelHref object>, '', None, [], {}, False, {}, 'Are you sure?')
title: hg.BaseElement | str = 'Background Jobs'

basxbread.views.auth module

class basxbread.views.auth.LoginView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseView, LoginView

get(*args, **kwargs)

Handle GET requests: instantiate a blank version of the form.

get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)

Insert the form into the context dict.

get_form(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance of the form to be used in this view.


Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.

class basxbread.views.auth.LogoutView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseView, LogoutView

get(*args, **kwargs)

Logout may be done via POST.

get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)

Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.

class basxbread.views.auth.PasswordResetCompleteView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseView, PasswordResetCompleteView

get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)

Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.

class basxbread.views.auth.PasswordResetConfirmView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseView, PasswordResetConfirmView

get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)

Insert the form into the context dict.


Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.

class basxbread.views.auth.PasswordResetDoneView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseView, PasswordResetView

get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)

Insert the form into the context dict.


Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.

class basxbread.views.auth.PasswordResetView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseView, PasswordResetView

get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)

Insert the form into the context dict.


Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.

basxbread.views.auth.auth_page(content, submitname, show_cancelbutton=False)

basxbread.views.browse module

class basxbread.views.browse.AndGroup(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: FilterSet

base_filters = {}
declared_filters = {}
property errors

Return an ErrorDict for the data provided for the underlying form.


Filter the queryset with the underlying form’s cleaned_data. You must call is_valid() or errors before calling this method.

This method should be overridden if additional filtering needs to be applied to the queryset before it is cached.

prefix = None
class basxbread.views.browse.BrowseView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseView, LoginRequiredMixin, PermissionListMixin, ListView

TODO: documentation

backurl = None
bulkaction_urlparameter: str = '_bulkaction'
bulkactions: Iterable[Link | Callable[[HttpRequest, QuerySet], HttpResponse | None]] = ()
columns: Iterable[str | DataTableColumn] = ('__all__',)
filterconfig: tuple | None = None
filterset_class: FilterSet | None = None
static gen_rowclickaction(modelaction, **kwargs)

Shortcut to get a Link to a model view. The default models views in basxbread are “read”, “edit”, “delete”. :param modelaction: A model view whose name has been generated

with basxbread.utils.urls.model_urlname

get(*args, **kwargs)
get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)

Get the context for this view.


Prefetch related tables to speed up queries. Also order result by get-parameters.


Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.


Get the number of items to paginate by, or None for no pagination.


Returns list of permissions in format <app_label>.<codename> that should be checked against request.user and object. By default, it returns list from permission_required attribute.


request – Original request.

items_per_page_options: Iterable[int] | None = None
itemsperpage_urlparameter: str = 'itemsperpage'
objectids_urlparameter: str = '_selected'
orderingurlparameter: str = 'ordering'
primary_button = None
rowactions: Iterable[Link] | None = None
rowclickaction: Link | None = None
search_urlparameter: str = 'q'
title: BaseElement | str = ''
viewstate_sessionkey: str | None = None
class basxbread.views.browse.BulkAction(name, label, action, iconname, permissions)

Bases: NamedTuple

action: Callable[[HttpRequest, QuerySet], HttpResponse | None]

Alias for field number 2

has_permission(request, obj=None)
iconname: str

Alias for field number 3

label: str

Alias for field number 1

name: str

Alias for field number 0

permissions: List[str]

Alias for field number 4

class basxbread.views.browse.OrGroup(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: FilterSet

base_filters = {}
declared_filters = {}
property errors

Return an ErrorDict for the data provided for the underlying form.


Filter the queryset with the underlying form’s cleaned_data. You must call is_valid() or errors before calling this method.

This method should be overridden if additional filtering needs to be applied to the queryset before it is cached.

prefix = None
basxbread.views.browse.build_filterpanel(filterset, hiddenparams_form)
basxbread.views.browse.default_bulkactions(model, columns=['__all__'])
basxbread.views.browse.delete(request, queryset, softdeletefield=None, required_permissions=None)
basxbread.views.browse.export(queryset, columns, request=None)
basxbread.views.browse.get_field(basemodel, fieldname)
basxbread.views.browse.order_queryset_by_urlparameter(qs, order)

Can used to order a queryset by a user-provided string, e.g. through a GET query parameter

basxbread.views.browse.parse_filterconfig(basemodel, filterconfig, prefix)
filterconfig: Tree in the form of

(“or”, fieldname1, fieldname2), (“or”, fieldname3, fieldname4),


basxbread.views.browse.restore(request, queryset, softdeletefield, required_permissions=None)

basxbread.views.delete module

class basxbread.views.delete.DeleteView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseView, PermissionRequiredMixin, RedirectView

TODO: documentation

accept_global_perms = True
get_redirect_url(*args, **kwargs)

Return the URL redirect to. Keyword arguments from the URL pattern match generating the redirect request are provided as kwargs to this method.


Returns list of permissions in format <app_label>.<codename> that should be checked against request.user and object. By default, it returns list from permission_required attribute.


request – Original request.

model = None
post(*args, **kwargs)
softdeletefield = None
urlparams: Iterable[Tuple[str, Type]] = (('pk', <class 'int'>),)

basxbread.views.edit module

class basxbread.views.edit.EditView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: CustomFormMixin, BaseView, SuccessMessageMixin, PermissionRequiredMixin, UpdateView

TODO: documentation

accept_global_perms = True
default_success_page = 'read'
dispatch(*args, **kwargs)
fields: List[BaseElement | str] | None = None
get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)

Insert the form into the context dict.


Returns list of permissions in format <app_label>.<codename> that should be checked against request.user and object. By default, it returns list from permission_required attribute.


request – Original request.

urlparams: Iterable[Tuple[str, Type]] = (('pk', <class 'int'>),)
basxbread.views.edit.bulkcopy(request, queryset, attrs=None, labelfield=None, copy_related_fields=())

creates a copy all instances of a queryset attrs: custom field values for the new instance labelfield: name of a model field which will be used to create copy-labels

(Example, Example (Copy 2), Example (Copy 3), etc)

copy_related_fields: related fields which should also be (deep) copied


create names/labels with the sequence (Copy), (Copy 2), (Copy 3), etc.

basxbread.views.edit.deepcopy_object(instance, attrs=None, copy_related_fields=())

Creates a ‘deep’ coyp of the model instance Related fields are only copied if they are listed in copy_related_fields ManyToMany relationships are copied automatically if they have no key in ‘attrs’ attrs defineds default values for fields

basxbread.views.edit.generate_copyview(model, attrs=None, labelfield=None, copy_related_fields=())

creates a copy of a model instance and redirects to the edit view of the newly created instance attrs: custom field values for the new instance labelfield: name of a model field which will be used to create copy-labels

(Example, Example (Copy 2), Example (Copy 3), etc)

basxbread.views.error module

basxbread.views.error.error_layout(request, status_code: int, status_title: str, description: str | BaseElement, exception_detail: str | None = None)
basxbread.views.error.handler400(request, exception)
basxbread.views.error.handler403(request, exception)
basxbread.views.error.handler404(request, exception)

basxbread.views.globalpreferences module

class basxbread.views.globalpreferences.PreferencesView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseView, SuccessMessageMixin, PermissionRequiredMixin, PreferenceFormView


alias of GlobalPreferenceForm


Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.

permission_required = ['dynamic_preferences.change_globalpreferencemodel', 'dynamic_preferences.view_globalpreferencemodel']
registry = {'general': {'logo': <basxbread.dynamic_preferences_registry.Logo object>, 'organizationname': <basxbread.dynamic_preferences_registry.OrganizationName object>}}

the registry for preference lookups

success_message = 'Preferences updated' module

class*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseView, PermissionRequiredMixin, DetailView

accept_global_perms = True
fields = ['__all__']
get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)

Insert the single object into the context dict.


Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.


Returns list of permissions in format <app_label>.<codename> that should be checked against request.user and object. By default, it returns list from permission_required attribute.


request – Original request.

urlparams: Iterable[Tuple[str, Type]] = (('pk', <class 'int'>),)

basxbread.views.userprofile module

class basxbread.views.userprofile.EditLoginView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: EditView

fields: List[hg.BaseElement | str] | None = ['username', 'email']
get_form_class(*args, **kwargs)

Return the form class to use in this view.


Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.


Return the object the view is displaying.

Require self.queryset and a pk or slug argument in the URLconf. Subclasses can override this to return any object.


Returns list of permissions in format <app_label>.<codename> that should be checked against request.user and object. By default, it returns list from permission_required attribute.


request – Original request.


alias of User

urlparams: Iterable[Tuple[str, Type]] = ()
class basxbread.views.userprofile.EditPermissionsView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: EditView


Checks if request.user has all permissions returned by get_required_permissions method.


request – Original request.

fields: List[hg.BaseElement | str] | None = ['is_active', 'is_superuser', 'is_staff']

Return the object the view is displaying.

Require self.queryset and a pk or slug argument in the URLconf. Subclasses can override this to return any object.


Returns list of permissions in format <app_label>.<codename> that should be checked against request.user and object. By default, it returns list from permission_required attribute.


request – Original request.


alias of User

urlparams: Iterable[Tuple[str, Type]] = ()
class basxbread.views.userprofile.EditPersonalDataView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: EditView

fields: List[hg.BaseElement | str] | None = ['first_name', 'last_name']

If the form is valid, save the associated model.

get_form_class(*args, **kwargs)

Return the form class to use in this view.


Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.


Return the object the view is displaying.

Require self.queryset and a pk or slug argument in the URLconf. Subclasses can override this to return any object.


Returns list of permissions in format <app_label>.<codename> that should be checked against request.user and object. By default, it returns list from permission_required attribute.


request – Original request.


alias of User

urlparams: Iterable[Tuple[str, Type]] = ()
class basxbread.views.userprofile.UserProfileView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ReadView


Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.


Return the object the view is displaying.

Require self.queryset and a pk or slug argument in the URLconf. Subclasses can override this to return any object.


This method overrides the old one from ReadView because this view should be accessible to all users.


alias of User


Automatically sends a password-reset email to the currently logged in user

basxbread.views.userprofile.set_devmode(request, enable: str)

basxbread.views.util module

class basxbread.views.util.BaseView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Shortcut to create a subclass with the given attributes

ajax_urlparameter = 'asajax'

Returns the layout for this view, returns the layout attribute by default. Either set the layout attribute or override this method.

hidemenus_urlparameter = 'hidemenus'
layout: BaseElement | None = None
page_layout: Callable[[Menu, BaseElement, bool], BaseElement] | None = None
render_to_response(context, **response_kwargs)
urlparams: Iterable[Tuple[str, Type]] = ()
class basxbread.views.util.CustomFormMixin

Bases: object

This mixin takes care of the following things: - Allows to pass initial values for form fields via the GET query - Converts n-to-many fields into inline forms - Set GenericForeignKey fields before saving (not supported by default in django) - If “next” is in the GET query redirect to that location on success - If default_success_page

form_valid(*args, **kwargs)
get_form_class(form=<class 'django.forms.models.ModelForm'>)
get_initial(*args, **kwargs)

basxbread.views.wizard module

basxbread.views.wizard.generate_wizard_form(wizardview, wizardtitle, steptitle, formlayout)

title: Title of the current page steps: list of 2-tuples with (step_title, status) where status must be one of [“incomplete”, “complete”, “current”]